About Dr. Roland J. Hill

Dr. Roland J. Hill is a Theo-Economist and Professor of Homiletics. He is the President of The International Association of Godpreneurs LLC, The Helping Hands Press LLC, and Dr. Roland J. Hill’s Preaching Academy. He is retired after more than four decades in full-time ministry as a pastor, professor, and director of Stewardship and Development. Dr. Hill is known as a preacher, professor, keynote speaker, conference presenter, and the author of 20 books. His passion for Stewardship, Theo-economism, Preaching, and Godpreneurship has allowed him to present cross-culturally, interdenominationally, and worldwide. He has been married to Dr. Susie Hill for over 40 years. They have two adult children and three granddaughters. Dr. Hill is a graduate of Oakwood University, Andrews University, and Reformed Theological Seminary.


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